CLFMA representation with the government led to Import of GM Soymeal of 12 lakh Metric Tonnes.
13 th August, 2020 CLFMA got government approved consolidated 5 th List of animal feed additives / supplements for import into India, for which CLFMA put its hard efforts
CLFMA had sent representation to DADF for including manufacturing of Feed and Feed Supplements as Essential Services during Covid 19 and the Government of India accepted the same.
CLFMA succeeded in its efforts to get NIL GST for Feed.
CLFMA OF INDIA organized Road Show along with West Bengal Poultry Federation in order to increase the awareness and highlight the importance of feed industry for overall growth of the west Bengal and the Nation as a whole.
CLFMA representation led to Aqua Feed VAT exempt in Gujarat.
CLFMA Visibility VIV India 2010: A technical seminar jointly organized by CLFMA and VIV on Feed Fortification.
The book on Biosecurity in Poultry Husbandry written by Dr. Lal Krishna and Dr. R S Chauhan of Indian Council of Agricultural Research and published by CLFMA, released by Hon’ble Minister of AH, Govt of Karnataka.
CLFMA representation to Government led to the maize imports allowed under “Zero Duty” with immediate effect till December 31, 2007
Website of CLFMA “clfmaofindia.org” was revived and made online.
Bird Flu Initiative- CLFMA organized Press Conference, A televised Interview on NDTV, Press Advertisement, Brochures and Pamphlets on Safety of Indian Poultry Products, CLFMA took effective steps to avoid the spread of this virus into to India.
The report on feed standards prepared by the committee under the chairmanship of Dr. S. V. Vaidya, was submitted to Dept of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi. And accepted and considered by BIS
In the year 2002, CLFMA was broad-based and rechristened as CLFMA OF INDIA with the objective to include more members from all sectors of livestock production.
CLFMA was invited by government for advising to formulate the Road Map for Livestock Industry in the 10 th Five Year plan along with NDDB and CLFMA OF INDIA.
CLFMA launched its own website: www.clfmafeed.org
CLFMA introduced for the first time CLFMA Standard Specification for compound feed for poultry and pigs
CLFMA organized the first seminar at Cochin in the year 1993 with BIS to create awareness among all concerned about the importance of quality in feeds
Kerala State Board of CLFMA succeeded in getting the S.T. rate on animal feeds reduced by 1%
Government Sponsored Meeting: CLFMA represented on BIS, Central Poultry Development Advisory Council,The Task Force, Animal Welfare Board and the Central Molasses Board.
Farmer’s Education by CLFMA.
CLFMA had been able to get the import duty on amino acids slashed from 147.25% to 70%
All India Radio and Television broadcasted livestock sector related activities advised by CLFMA.
CLFMA initiative to educate the livestock farmers and others concerned on the concept of balanced, Compound feeding through various programmes and publications.
CLFMA’s Voicing to the government- The Commissioner of Prohibition and Excise of Tamil Nadu State Government agreed to increase the allocation to compound feed manufacturers at least to 50% from the present 25%.
Bombay Television telecast of couple of programmes on compound feed for educating livestock farmers on the concept of balanced livestock nutrition, its advantages and benefits to farmers.
CLFMA published the first four issues of its new, quarterly publication, namely CLFMA Link. The objective of CLFMA link is to help promote overall animal husbandry activities all over the country.
19692nd June 1969
CLFMA was registered under the Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950 as a Charitable Public Trust.
Rationalization of Export duty on compound feeds containing ground nut meal.
19678th June 1967
Formation Of “The Compound Livestock Feeds Manufacturing Association of India”